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Pool Water Testing

Simply bring a sample of your pool or spa water into store and get it digitally tested.*

What you need to do:

  • Use a clean bottle to collect water sample.
  • Allow 2 days after shock dosing your pool before taking water sample.
  • Rinse bottle with water from your pool before collecting the sample.
  • Fill the bottle with pool water away from any return fittings at a depth of half a metre.
  • Fill bottle to overflowing so there is no air space and then cap.
  • Do not leave sample in direct sunlight and ensure sample is fresh for testing (ideally 1 hour).
  • Do not allow sample to get too warm.
  • Record pool volume. If unsure of pool volume, measure length (m) x width (m) x average depth (m) x 1000 = volume in litres.

*Service currently available at Mitre 10 MEGA and participating Mitre 10 stores.