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WishlistStore FinderGift Cards

Store Card Information

Store Card Terms and Conditions

Store cards expire 90 days from the date of issue.

Unless otherwise stated in the terms and conditions of a promotion, Store cards are redeemable from day after issue and cannot be used in exchange for other Store Card promotions.

Any remaining balance will be cancelled on the expiry of the validity period.

Store cards are redeemable for goods and services sold at Mitre 10 stores in New Zealand, and on the Mitre 10 website.

Store cards can be redeemed in whole or part of a payment.

Unredeemed values will remain on the card until card expiry or until redeemed, whichever occurs first.

No change will be given on purchases made using store cards, but balances may be used on subsequent purchases.

Store cards cannot be redeemed for cash, be used towards the purchase of gift cards or the payment of Mitre 10 account balances.

Store cards cannot be replaced and Mitre 10 will not be responsible for any store card that may be lost, stolen or damaged.

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