Become a Mitre 10 Trade Customer Fill in the below Trade account enquiry form to express your interest in becoming a Mitre 10 Trade customer. * required fields Company name/Trading name* GST Number* Example GST Number format 123-456-789 Estimated Annual Spend* Select annual spend$2,000-$10,000$10,000-$25,000$25,000-$50,000$50,000-$100,000$100,00-$250,000$250,000-$500,000$500,000+ Business Type Building residential new Building residential alterations/additions Building commercial Electrical/ Air conditioning Plumbing/ Drainlaying/ Roofing Civil Joinery/ Kitchens Education Government/ Council Factories Other Maintenance What is the purpose of the account? Preferred Region* Select a RegionNorthlandAucklandWaikato/TaupoBay of PlentyEast Coast and GisborneHawkes BayTaranakiWanganui and ManawatuWairarapaWellingtonNelson & BaysMarlboroughWest CoastCanterbury and OamaruOtago and DunedinSouthland and Fiordland Preferred Store* Select a Store Purchase Nationally* Yes No Online Ordering* Yes No Purchasing Type* (Please select one) Account Purchases Only Account Purchases and Cash Sales Applicant's Details* First Name* Surname* Email address Landline* Mobile* Role in Business* Enquire Now